Serial No: 7263
- Rishta Ladke Ka
- Own House at B.S.P Colony, Motinagar, Rajeev Nagar X Roads, Near S. R Nagar Hyderabad
- Name: Mohammed Abdul Mohtashim
- Marital Status: Unmarried
- Maslak: Sunni Muslim
- Do you go to Dargah : No
- Age: 33 Height: 5.8
- Education : MBA (Finanace & Marketing)
- Occupation : Currently working in Amazon as an Investigator Specialist. Simultaneously Working for startup of Footwear & Hosiery in HYD
- Salary / Income : Disclosed Later
Family Details
- Father : Late Mohammed Abdul Rasheed (Retired Employee of Procter & Gamble Co. (P&G), Jeddah, KSA
- Mother: Home Maker
- Brothers : 4, Sisters 2 All Married
Partner Preference / Requirement
- Decent & Educated Family – Ladki Namazi ho
- Umoore Khana Dari se Waqif ho
- Age: below 28 years Height: As per Boy
- Maslak: Sunni Muslim Education: Graduation or above
- Area: Hyderabad / Secunderabad se ho